Driving School for Charlotte NC Area Speeding and Traffic Tickets?

A lot of people are familiar with the idea of attending traffic school in order to reduce points for moving violations such as speeding, running stop signs, reckless driving, and similar. There is no entitlement however, to attend driving school for a better deal in NC traffic courts. These type deals must be approved by the local district attorney’s office. These are deals we routinely get, but in many cases driving school would be a waste of time and unnecessary, so make sure before you sign up for driving school and spend the time and money, call an experienced Charlotte, NC area Speeding ticket lawyer!

Often times when we appear for clients in district traffic courts, we can get a deal to reduce a traffic case from moving to no points, or misdemeanor level to infraction, by getting you to complete a 4 or 8 hr driving school. There are some scenarios in Mecklenburg County Courts where we know ahead of time that you’d need to do this, based on years of experience representing clients in this district, and the policies that are in place. But that is not always the case, so defensive driving school is not always helpful. If driving school is needed, we can tell you immediately, or we can appear to make a deal with the district attorney, to see if that will help your case.

If driving school turns out to be part of the solution and we have to get permission for you to attend in return for the desired outcome, we will let you know it’s approved, and after you attend and complete, we take proof back to court for you to get the deal entered. If driving school is needed, I can typically send you to a Zoom based class where you don’t have to attend in person. If you’re facing a Speeding or traffic ticket charge of some sort in Charlotte NC, or surrounding counties such as Cabarrus, Gaston, or Union, call me today to find out what options you have and how we can save you time and money!

CALL NOW: (704) 323-6779