i've failed to appear for my traffic ticket!
If you've forgotten to handle your traffic citation, call today before it affects your ability to drive! 828-575-8417
Failure to appear is a rather common situation with traffic tickets that I can take care of for you. You will be assessed a hefty fee for the failure to appear, in addition to the original fines and costs. Also, depending on the severity of the ticket and the locality, you could have an order for your arrest issued. I can generally get all this reset for you, and sometimes get the additional fees stricken saving you a big portion of the cost of hiring me. Once the failed appearance is reset, we can dispose of your citation appropriately as if the failure to appear never happened. If you wait around on this, you could get your license jammed up with a suspension for the failure to appear, and your next traffic stop could lead to charges of Driving while license revoked (DWLR) and things just get more complicated and expensive at this point.